While using Pay It Forward Processing may be one way to give back to your community, it’s not the only way. Here are some creative ways to get involved and make an impact that goes beyond just donating or raising funds for charity.
Incentivize it. An easy way to encourage charitable giving is to offer incentives for employees-and to make it fun!
Creating contests for the largest givers
Casual dress day-have employees pay to dress casually
Gift card or free lunch as a prize
Make giving part of your culture. A company that gives is a company that lives!
Yearly or quarterly stipends for employees to give to their favorite organizations
Establish a set number of paid hours for volunteering or charity work
Give based on your skills and interests. Giving back to the community is great in any form, but sometimes you can maximize your efforts if you choose to give back based on your company’s specific skills and resources.
If you have a tech-savvy business-support students in STEM.
Ask your department heads to come up with a job-related volunteering project
Get local with it. Sometimes the best way to give is when you can support something where the community gets to know your company face to face.
Volunteer company time instead of asking for employees to use their own money
Become a local sponsor of an event or group to build stronger local relationships
Use this as a great PR opportunity for both the community and your company!